International Reciprocal Membership

Membership Process for CIPD (UK)

CIPD and AHRI have an agreement enabling mutual recognition for individuals holding corresponding professional grades of membership in either body. This means that Chartered Members and Certified Academics of the CIPD are recognised as being equivalent to AHRI professional members who have achieved AHRI certified HR practitioner (CPHR).  

If you are an Associate Member of the CIPD, you can apply to have the equivalent professional member status in Australia. 

To find out more about the benefits of AHRI memberships and to join up online, go to To discuss your options and/or eligibility with one of our Member Engagement team, email [email protected] or to chat to someone over the phone about AHRI certification call on 1300 811 880. 


Current CIPD Members and Academics who hold current financial membership with CIPD are eligible to apply for an equivalent level membership based on the member types below: 

  • Professional Member of AHRI (MAHRI) – Associate Member (Assoc CIPD) or Academic Member (Academic MCIPD)  
  • Certified HR Practitioner of AHRI (CPHR) – Chartered Member (Chartered MCIPD) or Certified Academic HR (CAHR)  
  • Fellow Certified HR Practitioner of AHRI (FCPHR) – Chartered Fellow (Chartered FCIPD) or Academic Fellow (Academic FCIPD) 

Your CIPD membership will be automatically recognised at the equivalent of the certified/fellow practitioner levels, and you can apply for an AHRI membership under the terms of the reciprocity agreement. Members will be asked to supply a current CV in addition to a copy of your current CIPD card as evidence of your CIPD membership. 


In order to apply for certification (CPHR) via the CIPD reciprocity agreement, applicants must be a current financial CIPD member. Past or lapsed CIPD members will need to renew their CIPD membership to apply for certified AHRI membership under the terms of this agreement. Your certification will be confirmed by the National Certification Council.  

Not a current financial CIPD member? You may still be eligible for AHRI membership. Use the ‘Find your Membership Type’ tool on the website and apply online. 

*Please note, AHRI membership fees are not refundable but may be tax deductible for HR professionals. 

**GST on membership fees is not applicable for members residing outside of Australia. Overseas members do not receive a physical of HRM magazine but will still have access to a digital version through their AHRI member profile (as well as all other AHRI member benefits). 

Membership Process for IHRP Members

This pathway is available to HR practitioners who have achieved the IHRP Certified Professional (IHRP-CP), IHRP Senior Professional (IHRP-SP) or IHRP Master Professional (IHRP-MP) certification levels from IHRP in Singapore. 

The Singapore Institute for Human Resource Professionals (IHRP) and the Australian HR Institute (AHRI) have a mutual partnership agreement, enabling certified professionals to achieve mutual recognition from both IHRP and AHRI through the respective bridging pathways. 

To discuss your options and/or eligibility with one Member and Student Support team, email [email protected] or to chat to someone over the phone about AHRI certification call our enquiries team on 1300 811 880. 

Group 20

Bridging Pathway for IHRP to AHRI Certification

HR professionals who hold current financial membership with IHRP are eligible to apply for a Professional Membership at anytime They can then enrol in the appropriate pathway to receive recognition as a Certified Professional (CPHR).

IHRP Certified Professional (IHRP-CP)

Certified Practising HR professional CPHR

  • Existing IHRP member receive recognition for AHRI’s APC Units 1-3 and are required to undertake the APC Capstone (Unit 4 ‘Applied project in organisational capability’) 
  • AHRI membership fees: AUD $440 plus AUD$600-$1200 to complete the Capstone project 

IHRP Senior Professional (IHRP-SP)

Certified Practising HR professional CPHR or Fellow Certified Practising HR professional FCPHR

  • Existing IHRP member receive recognition for AHRI’s APC Units 1-3 and can undertake the APC Capstone (Unit 4 ‘Applied project in organisational capability’) OR 
  • Existing IHRP members are pre-approved for eligibility/entry into the Senior Leaders Pathway mode of their choice.  
  • Candidates may be eligible apply for Fellow level membership via application upon successful completion of certification (normal eligibility conditions apply, there is no extra cost associated with this application) 
  • AHRI membership fees: AUD $440 plus AUD$1600 to complete the Senior Leader Pathway 

IHRP Master Professional (IHRP-MP)

Fellow Certified Practising HR professional FCPHR

  • Existing IHRP members are pre-approved for eligibility/entry into the Senior Leaders Pathway mode of their choice.  
  • Candidates are also pre-approved to apply for Fellow membership via application upon successful completion of certification (normal eligibility conditions apply, there is no extra cost associated with this application) 
  • AHRI membership fees: AUD $440 plus AUD$1600 to complete the Senior Leader Pathway 

Membership Requirements

In order to enrol in the bridging pathway for certification (CPHR) via the IHRP reciprocity agreement, applicants must be a current financial IHRP member. Past or lapsed IHRP members will need to renew their membership to apply for reciprocal membership under the terms of this agreement. Your certification will be confirmed by the National Certification Council. 

Not a current financial IHRP member? You may still be eligible for AHRI professional membership. Use the ‘Find your Membership Type’ tool on the website and apply online. 

**GST on membership fees is not applicable for members residing outside of Australia. Overseas members will no longer receive a physical of HRM magazine but will still have access to a digital version through their AHRI member profile (as well as all other AHRI member benefits). 


Current IHRP Professionals are eligible to apply for an equivalent level membership based on the member types below: 

  • IHRP Certified Professional (IHRP-CP) – AHRI Certified Practising HR professional CPHR 
  • IHRP Senior Professional (IHRP-SP) – AHRI Certified Practising HR professional CPHR or AHRI Fellow Certified Practising HR professional FCPHR 
  • IHRP Master Professional (IHRP-MP) – AHRI Fellow Certified Practising HR professional FCPHR 

Not a current financial IHRP professional? You may still be eligible for AHRI membership. Use the ‘Find your Membership Type’ tool on the website and apply online. 

*Please note, AHRI membership fees are not refundable but may be tax deductible for HR professionals. 

**GST on membership fees is not applicable for members residing outside of Australia. Overseas members will no longer receive a physical of HRM magazine but will still have access to a digital version through their AHRI member profile (as well as all other AHRI member benefits). 

About Certification and Continuing Professional Development

Making the choice to become a Professional or Certified HR practitioner comes with the many benefits of networking with colleagues, access to research journals, thought leadership, HR advocacy and policy etc that can drive your thinking and knowledge further than ever before. It’s a great reflection of continuous learning and years of experience you have built to be able to include your post-nominals beside your name. 

Along with certification comes a commitment to advocate for continuous improvement in the HR profession. All AHRI members are bound by the AHRI Constitution, the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and all by-laws, notices and directives of AHRI. By joining AHRI, members agree to be bound by the standards of the code of ethics and professional conduct and include it as part of their working habits within their organisations, with clients, colleagues and the community. 

As a Professional or Certified HR Practitioner, you have made a commitment to modelling excellence in the workplace by continuing to develop your skills and knowledge and applying them at work. All members who hold membership at Professional and above  must complete sixty (60) points of CPD every three (3) years to maintain their HR certification status or professional membership. Your continuing professional development will not only benefit your organisation, but it will also enhance your career opportunities. Follow the link to find out more about CPD requirements.