The Model of Excellence is a graphic representation of what HR practitioners should know, what they are expected to do, and what their peers and leaders expect them to be, in terms of behaviours and capabilities.

The circles of the graphic set out 10 behaviours and seven capabilities that were confirmed as essential for HR practitioners in the 2014 AHRI member survey ‘What is Good HR?’
Going back over a decade, the idea of the Model of Excellence was developed based on two surveys of Australian HR practitioners and CEOs. Since then it has gone through a number of iterations, having been informed by local, national and global data including inputs from the international RBL Human Resource Competency Study under the leadership of Professor Dave Ulrich from the University of Michigan.
Learn more about the AHRI Model of Excellence capabilities and behaviours.
In what is an evolving picture, in 2015 the ‘What is Good HR?’ survey was put to a sample group of CEOs to get an ‘outside-in’ perspective on what they expect of HR.
Applying the Model of Excellence
The Model of Excellence is the foundation for HR certification and gives employers the assurance that Certified HR Practitioners have the necessary behaviours and capabilities to be an effective HR partner to the business.
The Model also forms the conceptual basis for assessment and accreditation of all HR management programs in technical and vocational education. Currently, more than 90 courses at more than 35 Australian educational institutions have AHRI accreditation, which assures the industry that these graduates have the necessary practical competencies to successfully operate in their field.
Finally, this model informs and underpins AHRI intellectual property with respect to
- the content of formal qualifications and informal short courses,
- the standards of excellence that guide the judging for the annual AHRI Awards
The Model helps you address three key questions:
- As an HR practitioner, what am I expected to know?
- What am I expected to do as a practising HR professional?
- And finally, what am I expected to be?