By-Law 1

Code of ethics & professional conduct


This code of ethics and professional conduct represents the desire of members of the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) to establish the ethical and professional conduct expected to lead and elevate the human resources profession.

By joining AHRI, members agree to be bound by the standards of the code and include it as part of their working habits within their organisations, with clients, colleagues and the community.


Advancing the Profession – AHRI members are expected to enhance the good name of the profession and to promote the importance of human resources in the workplace, the business community and broader society.

Leadership – AHRI members will, to the extent of their ability and opportunity, lead others, by modelling competent and ethical behaviour, by fostering an ethical work environment, andby fulfilling their professional role selflessly.

Honesty – AHRI members will be honest, objective and truthful in their words, actions and representations and will not knowingly mislead their employer, employees or clients.

Integrity – AHRI members will act with integrity and trustworthiness and will not promote their own self-interest or allow personal interest to undermine their objectivity, accuracy, independence and behaviour.

Professional Courtesy – AHRI members will behave with respect, fairness, and courtesy towards other AHRI members, staff and volunteers, and will not engage in any behaviour that is violent, threatening, or abusive.

Lawfulness – AHRI members will not act unlawfully or advise in any way that would knowingly countenance, encourage or assist unlawful conduct by their employer, employees or clients.

Confidentiality – AHRI members will respect the private or proprietary nature of information received in the course of their work and will not disclose confidential information without the express consent of those concerned or as provided for by law.

Justice – AHRI members will foster equal opportunity and non-discrimination and seek to establish and maintain fair, reasonable and equitable standards of treatment of individuals by their employer and by all employees in the organisation, through their own behaviour and through the policies and practices of their employer.

Competence – AHRI members will maintain the highest standards possible in the advice, information and guidance they provide employees, employers and clients and commit themselves to maintaining and enhancing their professional knowledge, skills andcompetence through continuous professional development.

Organisational capability – AHRI members will contribute to and encourage the learning and development of employees and will seek to achieve the fullest possible development of people for present and future organisational needs.

Inclusion and diversity – AHRI members will, to the extent of their ability and opportunity, seek to constructively engage with job seekers in the Australian workforce irrespective of gender identity and orientation, age, disability, ethnicity and cultural background.


November 2021