National Convention & Exhibition 2022
Monday 15 August – Wednesday 17 August
Gain valuable front-line event experience at Australia’s premier HR event.
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What you need to know
Dates: Monday 15 August to Wednesday 17 August
Location: International Convention Centre (ICC), Sydney, Australia
On-site induction: Sunday 14 August, 5:00pm-6:30pm (compulsory requirement)
Volunteers may be required during the following days and times:
Monday 15 August 7:30am – 7:30pm
Tuesday 16 August 7:30am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 17 August 8:00am – 5:00pm
Volunteer selections are based on the needs of the event. Priority will be given to those volunteers who are available for multiple days.
What you'll do
Volunteers will fulfil a variety of roles across the event. These include logistics, administration, customer relations and more:
- Meet and greet – Assist the convention secretariat with meeting and greeting delegates, answering enquiries, providing direction and general assistance
- Registration staff – Check-in delegates upon arrival, print and hand out name badges, and distribute delegate bags
- Room monitors– Usher delegates into session rooms, monitor seating and numbers in concurrent sessions and assist latecomers
- Information and directions– Direct delegates between sessions, rooms and the exhibition space, manage traffic flow and answer queries
- Speaker assistant– Escort speakers as required, introduce them to relevant staff and suppliers and assist them with onsite requirements
At the induction, you will receive training and instruction on all the above tasks and responsibilities. Allocation of roles will be conducted upon arrival each day. Specific requests will be taken into consideration where possible, but will ultimately be dictated by the needs of the Convention at the time. You can expect to perform a variety of roles across your shifts, sometimes being asked to change as the need arises.
Your responsibilities
- Attend the compulsory induction session at the MCEC on Tuesday 10 August from 5:00pm to 6:30pm
- Arrive on time for all scheduled shifts
- As the face of the Convention, you will be helpful, cheery, have an enthusiastic attitude and a professional and respectful approach
- Cover your own travel expenses to and from the event
- Dress in accordance with our event uniform policy (below)
Event uniform policy
The AHRI Convention is a professional event and all volunteers are required to dress and groom themselves appropriately. A neat and tidy appearance will help you feel in control of your duties. Here is a list of requirements:
- Corporate dark shoes – We highly recommend comfortable footwear
- Corporate skirt or trousers – Preferably black and in good condition
- A Convention-branded polo – Provided by AHRI
- Neat and tidy appearance
AHRI will not accept volunteers wearing clothing such as leggings, mini-skirts or shorts, open footwear such as sandals and thongs, or high heels.
Benefits of Volunteering:
- Affiliation with AHRI (i.e. Via LinkedIn)
- Firsthand & behind the scenes experience of Australia premier HR event
- Networking opportunities with HR Professionals, AHRI staff and Emerging HR professionals
- Hear from high profile keynote speakers, local experts, and panel sessions on leading HR topics
- Access to the Official Opening and Welcome Reception (Mon 15 Aug 5:00-8:30pm)
- Access to the Exhibition to learn about the latest HR products and services
- Training session, site tour and group photo
- Access to a dedicated volunteer lounge during the event
- Dedicated coordinator(s) for guidance and instructions
- Event manual and pocket guide with all you’ll need to know
- All catering during your shifts
- A delegate satchel with sponsor items (pending availability)
- AHRI Convention polo shirt
- A post-event email to confirm your attendance (for course credit and resume purposes)
Please Note:
- Volunteers Workplace Health and Safety will be covered by AHRI and ICC Sydney’s respective insurance policies.
- Volunteers are expected to behave in a professional, polite manner. Aggressive, inappropriate and unsocial behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in instant dismissal and remission of volunteer benefits.
- Monetary reimbursement will not be made for any associated costs, including but not limited to transport, additional meals, uniforms and medical needs.
- Mobile phone use during shifts is permitted, but practical discretion of use must be exercised
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