AHRI WA Conference 2024
16 and 17 May, Perth Optus Stadium
Melanie Fisher
Melanie is the Head of Health in the Global Health & Hygiene team within Group Health, Safety and Security.
Melanie has over 20 years’ experience in workplace health and wellbeing and is an experienced leader, psychologist, therapist, coach and facilitator and HR professional. Melanie has significant professional experience in such job design, human factors, behavioural and psychological safety and psychosocial risk assessment, safety investigations, mental health and fatigue, executive leadership and learning and talent, culture change and psychological assessment.
Melanie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations) from Curtin University; a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Curtin University; a Post Graduate Degree in Rehabilitation Psychology from Curtin University and a Master’s Degree in Industrial and Occupational Psychology from the University of Western Australia.