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Dr Michelle Phipps FCPHR
Dr Michelle Phipps is a Director of AHRI and Chief People Officer at VetPartners, an Australasian company comprising animal hospitals, resorts, and clinics. Previously GM HR Business Partnering and Talent for QBE Insurance, Michelle held the role of Group Head of Talent, Learning and Inclusion at Coca-Cola Amatil before that. With more than 20 years in HR across local and global territories in a variety of industries within and outside the ASX, Michelle has a very strong background and lived experiences in Diversity & Inclusion (D&I). She has served as a member of the Australian HR Institute D&I Advisory Committee for more than two years and became its Chair from 2022. Michelle was on the Board of the Australian Drinks Association and a founding Committee Member for its Women in Drinks and HRD Forum. She has a PhD in Culture and Identity, a Masters in HR Management and is an AHRI Fellow. She has won several awards for the successful implementation of D&I and cultural strategies within organisations. In addition, Michelle serves as Board Chair of Ausdance NSW which enables the development of dance education and art in NSW. She lives in Sydney with her husband and two children.