David Mackie

Queensland Public Sector Commissioner


David Mackie is a proud public servant.  

He has dedicated over 33 years to delivering better services and making a difference to the lives of Queenslanders.  

David’s career includes leadership roles across a wide range of government services and programs, including justice administration and the courts, liquor and gaming regulation, fair trading, corrective services, youth justice, child protection, strategic policy and legislation and domestic and family violence prevention. 

In his latest role as Queensland’s Public Sector Commissioner, David sees a future where Queensland has a renewed sense of pride and confidence in the Queensland public sector.  

With his small but mighty team David wants to bring back the spirit of service, and better prepare the public sector workforce for the challenges and issues that come with being a professional public servant. 

David is an avid runner, who can often be seen listening to music with great lyrics as he pounds the pavements of Brisbane.