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NEXT Deep-Dives
Take yourself, your team and your organisation to the NEXT level with our deep-dive sessions.
Tuesday 8 August
11.00am – 12.45pm
1C: The impact of hybrid on our brains (and the implications for leadership)
Peter Burow, Founding Partner and Chairman, NeuroPower Group
Get ready for an engaging and immersive workshop that delves deep into the fascinating intersection of neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral science, all within the context of the evolving landscape of hybrid working. Led by Peter Burow, the Founding Partner and Chairman of NeuroPower Group, this session goes beyond theory and offers practical guidance for leaders to navigate the complexities of hybrid work successfully.
Through an interactive format, Peter Burow will not only shed light on the profound impact hybrid work has on our brains but also equip leaders with actionable frameworks to empower their teams and excel in their own roles as hybrid leaders. Through a dynamic exploration of key insights, Peter will take you on a discovery and deep dive of the intricacies of the neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral aspects that shape the lived experience of hybrid working. This is an interactive session where you’re encouraged to actively participate, engage in discussions, and collaborate with fellow attendees to immerse yourselves in the concepts and practical implications for your role as leader.
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Tuesday 8 August
1.45pm – 3.35pm
3C: Build adaptive capacity for your people, your organisation, and yourself
Donna McGeorge, Global authority on productivity and bestselling author
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin, British naturalist
It’s a crime that people spend all day in back-to-back pointless meetings and then come home, eat dinner, and then spend the rest of their evening catching up on email and their ‘real’ work. Isn’t it about time that we overcame feeling ‘overwhelmed’, took back control, and focused on what’s important? It’s not good enough to write ‘to do lists’ or create other traditional time management strategies to run your life anymore. Neuroscience and other psychological and physiological breakthroughs have shown that we need to pay more attention to our body clock rather than the clock on the wall.
Based on her best-selling productivity series, It’s About Time, Donna McGeorge brings the best of her knowledge to help people build adaptive capacity into their lives. In this session, you will learn:
- Why we have been led up a garden path when it comes to productivity, and how to get it right.
- The 4 Types of Space we need to focus on to create capacity, and how to leverage each.
- Strategies to develop a savings plan to take back time and spend it wisely.
- Why creating space to think (really think) is the key to managing and taking advantage of changing circumstances.
- The 4 Types of Capacity and the impact of each on our ability to be productive and effective.
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Wednesday 9 August
11.00am – 12.45pm
5C: Head and heart: The art of modern leadership
Dr Kirstin Ferguson AM, Author, Columnist and Company Director
This session is an inspiring and entertaining call to action as Dr Kirstin Ferguson calls on personal stories, the latest research, and highly practical advice regarding your own personal leadership and how to become a leader who leads from both the head and the heart, regardless of position. While curiosity, analysis, strategy, and technical expertise will always be important, Kristin believes that humility, insight, courage, and empathy are just as vital. Leading with the head and the heart is the art of modern leadership and an ethos Kirstin embodies and inspires others to live by every day. This session aims to entertain, inspire, and move you with resonating stories, and:
- Explore what leading with the heart, or applying emotional intelligence, looks like for a modern leader.
- Inspire leaders to consider the legacy they leave and understand the impact their actions are already having on others.
- Help you develop a leadership style which encourages people to feel able to speak up in the workplace, and
- Help you understand how the choices you have already made have shaped the leader you are today.
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