Natasha Dunn

National Convention & Exhibition 2022

Monday 15 August – Wednesday 17 August


Employee development fuelling business growth

Natasha Dunn, Head of Sales Acquisition - ANZ, Go1

Natasha is a business leader with over 18 years’ experience in the financial services and technology industries working across the UK, Australian and New Zealand markets. Natasha has extensive experience working with high growth organisations leading and growing sales functions where her team supports clients on their digital learning journey. Natasha is passionate about contributing to business growth through technology and empowering organisations to achieve applicable business results

Overview of presentation

The environments in which we work and live continue to change yet we are continually bombarded with content across all aspects of our lives. 

How can we ensure our employees are:

  1. filling skill gaps to support the changing dynamics of their roles and staying focussed on their development at a time when attention must be divided between so many sources