Monday 15 August – Wednesday 17 August
Building a future-ready workforce at scale and speed
David Young, Global expansion and hiring expert, Globalization Partners
David Young is a global expansion and hiring expert with Globalization Partners. Consistently, David helps Australian companies from start-ups through to ASX200 brand-names to exploit the potential of the global talent pool, expand internationally, and manage the risks and challenges of doing so efficiently!
With over 20+ years of experience in corporate sales development for companies such as Globalization Partners, Telstra, Dell and TPG. Through his career David has advised thousands of technologies focused corporate clients in the IT, telecommunications, and recruitment space across Australia. David is originally from Boston and migrated to Brisbane, Australia as a citizen where he has been living for the last 30 years with his family.
Overview of presentation
In this session, Rachael Townsley, Indeed Australia’s Marketing Director, will discuss the importance of transparency and how organisations can leverage transparency to win the battle for talent. She will identify the key factors driving job seeker and employee behaviours and demands, strategies you can implement to ensure greater transparency and how embracing corporate transparency will translate into a stronger employer brand and a successful recruitment and retention strategy.