Enterprise Bargaining: A Step-by-Step Engagement Plan

Short Course

Course Overview

Boost your bargaining skill set with one of Australia’s leading industrial relations experts. Join Ross Clarke, in this lively, practical workshop where you will learn how to plan, prepare, and execute a successful bargaining process with confidence. Gain a robust bargaining framework as well as, key tools and expert tips to achieve your bargaining objectives and build positive relationships with your stakeholders. This course will help you navigate the legal, strategic, and communication aspects of bargaining with more confidence and skill.

Key Learning Outcomes

Internally prepare and resource for the bargaining process.

Establish a communication plan and approach for key stakeholders.

Facilitate effective cross organisational involvement and ownership between relevant parties.

Develop and implement constructive engagement techniques.

Utilise greater knowledge of the bargaining process and structures.

Prepare meeting materials and presentations with confidence.

Draw on increased knowledge of the legal frameworks and regulations impacting the bargaining processes.

Facilitate union discussions with more confidence.

Capably rollout and implement the bargaining process.

Course Details

Delivery Mode

Virtual Workshop

Learner Effort

2 x 3-hour sessions

Member Course Fees


Non-member Course Fees


Member CPD Points


Course Delivery

Virtual Learning

Prepare for your own virtual workshop - comprehensive course learning materials are delivered straight to your email inbox before you participate in the live workshop.

Participate in one or more live facilitator-led 3-hour online workshops delivered via Zoom (these are generally programs with which AHRI partners with a specialist provider)

Upcoming Enterprise Bargaining: A Step-by-Step Engagement Plan and related Short Courses

Enquiries or Group bookings?

Tel: 1300 811 880 to enquire about our offerings.

Email [email protected] regarding group bookings.

Our team will be happy to assist you with any inquiries or requirements you may have.

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