<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Organisation Awards

Best Employee Experience Strategy

Applications closed Friday 14 June

Recognises exceptional organisations where optimising employee experience is a priority, demonstrated through a considered and intentional approach to employee interactions with technology, organisational culture, and the workplace, and evidenced through positive outcomes for the organisation.


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How does the organisation demonstrate considered application and continuous improvement of technology to ensure employees have the tools they need to perform effectively and achieve outcomes?  

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How are transparent and articulated values embedded in all facets of the employee lifecycle and aligned with organisational strategy and operations?

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In what ways is the workplace environment fit for purpose and optimised for employee safety, satisfaction, and productivity?

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How does the organisation prioritise employee wellbeing for all employees?

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How can the organisation demonstrate a positive employee experience through metrics and outcomes?



In what ways is employee satisfaction evident and apparent across the organisation, demonstrated through positive employee ‘lived. Experiences?

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Leader Driven

Is the employee experience the responsibility of leaders throughout organisation?

Sample Award Application

Please note this document is not an application form, it is an indication of the information required to provide when applying for this award 


An application fee is payable for each Organisational Award category entered, charged at $220 for AHRI members or $755 for non-members.

Proudly supported by our principal sponsor

Applications closed on Friday 21 June

Finalists Announced

Finalists have been announced

Winners will be announced

Winners have been announced