Asia Pacific Journal of HR

The Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources is an applied, peer-reviewed journal that aims to communicate the development and practice of the field of human resources within the Asia Pacific region.

Access to the journal is open to members only. If you are not already a member, find out how to join today.

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Contribute to the journal

If you would like to contribute to the APJHR, please read the following contributor guidelines.

All submissions should then be sent to Timothy Bartram: [email protected]

About the APJHR

The Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources publishes the results of research, theoretical and conceptual developments and examples of current practice. The overall aim is to increase the understanding of the management of human resources in an organisational setting.

The Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources is published four times per year – January, April, July, October – and can be accessed online by AHRI members with a member login and password.

All journal issues are accessible online to AHRI members only via the publisher’s website – Wiley Blackwell Publishing. Members can search and access any Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources articles dating back to 1966.